Teeth Cleaning In Ocala Fl

Despite what some may think, maintaining your teeth and gums doesn’t have to be complicated. At Pruitt Dentistry, we believe that a few simple habits can make a big difference in your oral health. In fact, our Ocala dentist recommends you start by focusing on that core set of oral hygiene practices and master those before branching out further.

From picking up a toothbrush multiple times a day to watching what you consume at mealtime, you’re bound to reduce the onset of dental emergencies and your need for restorative procedures.

Here are 4 tips you can put into practice for a consistently healthy smile in between teeth cleanings.

1. Make Daily Toothbrushing a Priority

Our dentist, and many others, recommend that you brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush. With that said, you don’t necessarily have to follow the age-old saying that dictates you “brush after every meal”. Two times, typically in the morning and before going to sleep, is sufficient. It’s also important to use proper technique when brushing so that every tooth surface is clean and free from plaque.

If you brush your teeth poorly, it’s almost the same as if you didn’t brush them at all. To ensure a more in-depth clean, hold your brush at a 45-degree angle to scrub your gums and teeth at the same time. Don’t rush and move the toothbrush in gentle, circular motions. Aim to spend 30 seconds on each of the 4 quadrants of your mouth for a total of 2 minutes overall.

Recently eaten or sipped on a drink that was acidic? Our dentist suggests that you wait at least 30 minutes to brush your teeth as low pH consumables temporarily soften tooth enamel, which if brushed while in this state, can lead to some of the enamel being removed and an increased susceptibility to tooth decay.

Bonus tip: use an antiseptic mouthwash after brushing to wash your mouth out and clean hard-to-brush areas. It’s an easy way to prevent cavities in addition to brushing and flossing.

2. Don’t Skip Flossing

It’s not uncommon for many individuals to push flossing to the side and ignore it altogether. When people do manage to floss, however, they only do so to remove pieces of food left behind or because a dental visit is coming up. Additionally, flossing too fast, too rough, or missing spots can potentially damage your teeth and gums.

Flossing once a day is just as important as brushing your teeth. Picking up the floss and working your way in between every tooth stimulates the gums, reduces plaque, and lowers inflammation in the area. That means a lower chance of irritated or bleeding gums! If you need guidance, we can offer tips on better flossing during your next oral exam inside our Ocala, FL, dental office.

Can’t get the hang of flossing or find it difficult due to arthritis or limited hand mobility? There are a few other tools you can use to get rid of plaque and leftover food bits like water flossers and floss picks.

3. Your Tongue Deserves Care Too

You’re always told to care for your teeth and gums but it’s important to not forget about your tongue. Plaque does not discriminate and can build up similarly on your tongue if not cleaned regularly. This can result in bad mouth odor and other related oral health issues.

An easy way to combat foul breath is to gently brush your tongue every time that you brush your teeth. You’ll find that even this small adjustment will help the smell and rid your tongue of harmful dental plaque.

4. Aim to Drink Plenty of Water and Eat Healthy 

You’d be surprised what a well-balanced diet and drinking water will do for your oral health. Choosing water throughout the day over other beverages like sodas or acidic juices will not leave unwanted sugar on your teeth. Instead, it will wash away food debris and help you fight dry mouth every time you reach to take a sip.

Fruits and vegetables also work wonders not only for your mouth, but for your body as a whole. Fresh, crunchy produce are excellent sources of fiber and deliver a needed workout for both your teeth and jaw. If you wish to consume sweets, try to do so in moderation and remember to brush your teeth thoroughly before bed.

Make an Appointment

Remember, a little effort each day goes a long way in preserving your smile for years to come. Our dentist in Ocala, FL, and assisting staff are also here to give you the professional cleanings you deserve to ensure areas that may be missed at home are targeted appropriately. Call Pruitt Dentistry today at (352) 732-3985 to request an appointment.